Keepin’ it Old School

Oh Grandmas. Can’t live with ‘ em, can’t live without ’em… Probably because of the era they are from. Let me explain: grandmas that attended woodstock are more likely to support your decision to smoke pot and the fact that youre not into shaving as much as society wants you to. Why not, we’re all free spirits anyway, right? Other grandmas that lived during war times are most likely to scold you if you are not cooking, cleaning, and having babies left and right. Afterall, that is a woman’s sole purpose in life, right?
I am blessed to say that i still have my grandma. Before i go into detail, everything said about my grandma is with love. Trust me when i say, i wouldn’t change her for the world. Do not mistake my frankness for rudeness or disrespect.

Here we have Grandma M. Mother of my mother.  Born and raised in El Salvador, this traditional grandma is the one who will stop what she’s doing tend to your every need. To her all her grandchildren and great grandchilden are her own children. With that being said, she feels she has all the right in the world to erase the manners and morals that have been instilled in us and replace them with hers.
Example 1.) Home remedies: Burned yourself? No worries, spread some mustard on it and you’ll be good as new the next day. Got the hiccups? Easy breezy! Take a piece of red lint and lick it. Carefully, place it right between your eyebrows and watch as the hiccups magically disappear!
Example 2.) Myths: When youre pregnant and there happens to be an eclipse, whatever you do, DON’T GO OUTSIDE. The rays of the eclipse will force you into labor! Now, if you absolutely need to step outside the house make sure you wear RED. The color is powerful enough to block the rays of the eclipse. Uh-oh! There’s rain in the forecast! Do not let rain water hit your bare feet! This will cause your stomach to bloat little by little with the years. Sadly, there is no prevention for that one!

Another thing about G-ma M is she is as stealthy as a ninja. I swear, she doesn’t walk around the house, she floats. One second shes upstairs and the next shes right behind you studying your every move. The crazy thing is she wears flip flops everyday. They’re called flip flops for a reason… the flip and flop sound they make. Oh but not grandma, hers dont make a peep. Shes pretty amazing. I would say shes up there with Chuck Norris.
Ill never forget how nervous I was to tell my grandma I was pregnant. All I could do was picture her disowning me for not having the baby in wedlock. I contemplated for a week how I could break the news to her.
There she was sitting in her rocking chair. “R and I are having a baby,” I said in a worrisome tone. The front-back motion of thr chair seized and our eyes locked. Within seconds of reading my soul and studying my belly, she stood and said, “its a girl.” Slowly she walked into the light… that was produced by the kitchen… in search of a coffee refill.
Oh Grandmas… Can’t live with ’em, cant live without ’em.

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*Tap*Tap*Tap* …Is this thing on?

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